
Welcome to the course blog for COM 315!

This course is designed to enhance students’ ability to communicate technical information to a wide variety of audiences. The purpose of this blog is to help you experience one of the many environments in which technical information is distributed in the information age, to allow you the opportunity to network with your peers, to expand upon the foundational course material and tailor it to your own interests, and to further explore the core concepts of this course beyond the classroom itself. Feel free to use this blog for both course-related discussions and casual conversations — it is equally well-suited to both purposes.

About the Instructor

Brian Britt is a doctoral student in communication at Purdue University. His research primarily explores the intersection between organizations and technology, with a particular focus on the roles of technology and the way in which those roles influence and are influenced by patterns of behavior among individuals within organizations. In addition to his academic endeavors, Brian has competed in state- and national-level tournament chess for over a decade, and he holds a 1st Dan Black Belt in Tae-Kwon-Do from the Wild Bunch Martial Arts Association.